Stadium letters to be removed

January 12, 2000

PHOTO EDITORS: Access to the stadium on Monday (Jan. 17), weather permitting, can be obtained through the Keech Street gate on the north end of the stadium. After Monday, all stadium gates will be closed to non-construction personnel.

ANN ARBOR—The large letters and symbols on the fascia of the University of Michigan football stadium will be removed beginning Monday (Jan. 17), announced Henry Baier, U-M associate vice president for facilities and operations.

The removal project, which will include removal of the letters that spell out phrases from the U-M fight song along with the accompanying helmets and small University seals, will take approximately two and a half weeks to complete.

“We are going to leave the large University seal on the east side of the stadium over the tunnel entrance,” Baier said. “The removed letters and symbols will be placed into storage.”
