Public forum: Ethics and social responsibility in University purchasing practices

June 30, 2003

ANN ARBOR—The newly formed Purchasing Ethics and Policies Task Force of the University of Michigan has been charged with making recommendations to the president about policies that will codify principles of ethical and social responsibility in University purchasing practices. A public forum to solicit community comments about the process will be held July 10, and a second forum will be held in the fall.

“The University of Michigan has a longstanding commitment to sound, ethical and socially responsible practices,” said President Mary Sue Coleman, who has directed the task force to report its recommendations no later than the end of fall term 2003.

The task force will review the University’s existing purchasing policies, compile and study relevant purchasing policies at other educational and governmental institutions, and develop recommendations for policy language that aligns the University’s practices with its core values and principles. The task force also will consider federal and state regulations and enforcement processes in its recommendations.

Those wishing to speak at the forum are invited to sign up in advance by contacting Patrick Naswell (contact information below). The task force also will take comments from the floor.

DATE: July 10 TIME: 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. PLACE: Kuenzel Room, Michigan Union or (734) 615-6744