U-M defense team lawyer speaks on affirmative action cases

October 2, 2003


DATE: 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Oct. 22, 2003

EVENT: Maureen Mahoney—a member of the University of Michigan defense team in Grutter vs. Bollinger, a U.S. Supreme Court case that challenged the use of affirmative action in U-M admission policies—will discuss the cases. She was the primary author of the 50-page brief on behalf of U-M in which the University effectively demonstrated that the government has a “compelling interest in having an institution that is both academically excellent and racially diverse.” Mahoney is a partner in the Washington D.C. office of Latham and Watkins, where she leads the firm’s appellate and constitutional practice.

PLACE: Power Center for the Performing Arts, 121 Fletcher St. Central Campus map: http://www.umich.edu/news/ccamp.html

SPONSOR: The Mullin Welch Series, through the Center for the Education of Women

WEB LINKS: For more information about CEW, see http://www.umich.edu/~cew/welcome.htm